Engine Longevity: Protection against mechanical wear
Rubia products are developed with special molecules forming a strong film over metal surfaces, reducing mechanical wear in the presence of high pressure and extreme temperatures, improving engine longevity.
Smoother and efficient engines: Better engine cleanliness
Rubia’s advanced active molecules prevent formation of harmful deposits by keeping them dispersed. The products improve the longevity of the engine and make it run in a smoother and more efficient way.
Longer oil change intervals: Resistance against oxidation
Synthetic base oils with outstanding anti-oxidant additives increase Rubia products’ resistance to oxidation, even under extreme temperatures, thus extending oil drain intervals.
Lower Oil Consumption: Better wear protection and engine cleanliness
Rubia products with special anti-wear additives minimize the amount of engine oil entering the combustion chamber and, by that, reduce oil consumption.
Fuel Economy properties: Excellent protection even with low viscosities
Engine oils can provide Fuel Economy gains via viscosity control and friction reduction. Lowering the lubricant viscosity reduces the overall friction in the engine, delivering Fuel Economy benefits. Rubia Fuel Economy range is approved by Heavy Vehicle Manufacturers for use in their engines to achieve their Fuel Economy targets.
Equipment Longevity, reduced maintenance costs: Compatibility with exhaust gas after treatment systems
With their “low-SAPS” (low sulphated ash, phosphorus and sulphur) technology, Rubia products prevent the clogging of diesel particulate filters (DPFs) and protect diesel engines equipped with post-treatment systems, reducing maintenance costs and protecting the environment.